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Pain Relief

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Acute versus chronic pain

Different medications are needed to treat different types of pain. Acute pain is often managed with medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, which are usually taken for a short time until the pain is gone. Buy pain relief medication online UK.

Some medicines, such as ibuprofen, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), can be bought over the counter. However, to manage more severe or chronic pain, a doctor can prescribe higher-strength versions of these tablets.

Other anti-inflammatory drugs like celecoxib or colchicine (often used to treat gout) are only available on prescription.

“When inflammation happens in your body, there are many steps in the process. Some drugs act on different parts of the process to achieve similar results,” explains Professor Justin Mason from Imperial College London. Buy pain relief medication online UK.

“Chronic pain is long-term and can often be severe, so over-the-counter pain relief may be given in partnership with medications that are only available by prescription. This can include conditions such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, gout, kidney or gallstones, and symptoms associated with cancer.”

Opiate-based medications

“Opiates work by reducing the amount of pain messages sent through the brain and the spine,” explains Sister Williams. “This can dampen down the sensation of pain that people feel.” It’s unusual for any medication regime to erase pain entirely, but opiates reduce it more than most. Buy pain relief medication online UK.

Patients usually start on a weaker opiate, such as codeine, and only increase the dosage or change to a stronger opiate, such as morphine, if the pain persists or gets worse. “You should be on the lowest effective dose of pain relief possible,” says Professor Mason.

“The higher the dose, the more likely you are to experience side effects. But your pain should also be well controlled so you can stay as active as possible, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Mostly, pain-relief medications are taken in tablet form, although sometimes they are given in liquid form or as a suppository. Occasionally, some are injected, but this is less common outside hospital and is rare for chronic pain.”

Long-acting opiates, released slowly through the day and night, are common. These may come in patch form and are applied to your skin. Buy pain relief medication online UK.

Shorter-acting formulations are only used when someone experiences breakthrough pain – occasional pain that occurs despite using your regular pain-relief medications.